Descending in Desire of Darkness
img img Descending in Desire of Darkness img Capítulo 3 chapter 3
Capítulo 6 chapter 6 img
Capítulo 7 chapter 7 img
Capítulo 8 chapter 8.1 img
Capítulo 9 chapter 8.2 img
Capítulo 10 chapter 9.1 img
Capítulo 11 chapter 9.2 img
Capítulo 12 chapter 10 img
Capítulo 13 Chapter 11.1 img
Capítulo 14 Chapter 11.2 img
Capítulo 15 Chapter 12.1 img
Capítulo 16 Chapter 12.2 img
Capítulo 17 chapter 13.1 img
Capítulo 18 chapter 13.2 img
Capítulo 19 chapter 14.1 img
Capítulo 20 chapter 14.2 img
Capítulo 21 chapter 15.1 img
Capítulo 22 chapter 15.2 img
Capítulo 23 chapter 15.3 img
Capítulo 24 chapter 15.4 img
Capítulo 25 chapter 16.1 img
Capítulo 26 chapter 16.2 img
Capítulo 27 chapter 17.1 img
Capítulo 28 chapter 17.2 img
Capítulo 29 chapter 18.1 img
Capítulo 30 chapter 18.2 img
Capítulo 31 chapter 19.1 img
Capítulo 32 chapter 19.2 img
Capítulo 33 chapter 20.1 img
Capítulo 34 chapter 20.2 img
Capítulo 35 chapter 21.1 img
Capítulo 36 chapter 21.2 img
Capítulo 37 chapter 22.1 img
Capítulo 38 chapter 22.2 img
Capítulo 39 chapter 23.1 img
Capítulo 40 chapter 23.2 img
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Capítulo 3 chapter 3

#### chapter 03

- Now, I want to find a way to hide all that money. - Bruce said.

- Anyway. - Bruce said.

- What are you going to do with all that money? - Asked Azazel .

- I'll buy my company back. - Bruce said. - And save that money. - Bruce said. - And hide in a way that Joker and no one else can find. - Bruce said.

- Come on. - Said Trigon. - You have a good eighteen hours to find out where to hide that money.

- You caused this. - Bruce said.

- With pleasure. - Said Neron.

- Let's get back to betting together. - Bruce said.

- So, are you going to travel? Asked Nekron .

- It's in the package, isn't it? Bruce asked.

- I was killed and went to meet the host of the bet. - Bruce said. - Of course I do.

- Am I going to bet again with you? Asked Nekron .

- I intend to. - Bruce said.

- Better. - Said Trigon. - You took a step to meet with the host of the bet. - Said Trigon.

After hours of organization, and help from treacherous demons, Bruce took out his cell phone, called in some negotiators, and set up a meeting with shareholders, investors, all within sixteen hours, he bought his company back, and promised to fire Lucius.

He took a notebook and wrote some messages, he asked Phantom Stranger to deliver it to each of them, he took his backpack, he went on a trip, being taken by each of his betting colleagues, promising to come back after a year.

He had plans, and so he was going to do it after they got back.

- Where do you want to go first? - Asked Neron.

- For a journey to the 1000th century, and back later during the time, when I will discover the secrets of the universe. - Bruce said.

- Then go backwards. - Bruce said.

Bruce discovered some closely guarded secrets.

Love pain desperate and lost lands

It was thousands of years

Before the wars between planets ... And before the birth of Krypton ...

Ages ago

An ancient planet long destroyed by wars and the devastation of nature for some, who adored their planet.

Knowing that in their destroyed and bitter ancestors of an immense devastated plain of destruction and a war field of gods of ancient Ragnarok,

Among these war camps is a red silhouette of a slender and powerful cosmic entity, long denied by barbarians on a planet that has fallen in monstrous wars.

Whose name on this planet was, Astron was lost because of successive wars to progressive devastation, there was no time to save many peoples, it was in its majority the majority.

As for the few that were left, they were from an ancient religion, they venerated the primate goddess, gradually regressing, they prayed every day to ancient millennial gods.

These were forgotten times and long wars of eternal proportions.

While wars took place in distant moments, in an immense and ancient constellation, old worlds when they still existed.

Those who governed solar systems existed in their dark and malodorous civilization destroyed in the midst of chaos.

In Krypton's past ages when they were just babies crawling through their birth in their pre-industrial civilization.

There were ages ago before the fall of the ancient gods, there was a civilization, but it was much older, it venerated ancient and just gods who received rewards when they were venerated.

The ancient scientists of this world were nothing more than priests lost in the midst of desolation and thus swearing in the midst of ancient prayers invoking ancient names rivaling their beliefs.

Even if in the course of what happened, in which then before their own destruction and cataclysm, minutes before the real collapse in the middle of the light that appeared in the middle of a flood of lava that was rising, and when they were isolated in the subsoil.

While the remnants of skeletal life spread over the surface a barren white dwarf land, and putrefied remnants of existing life, of your planet praying and the despair among the most adults.

What happened, in the last moments of life at that very moment, the grief of those who abdicated their beliefs and the end of a life, and their gods they in this moment of the time of destruction.

Happening to what they were in moments of time when everything changed in the impending catastrophe than moments and remnants of civilization destroyed seconds before their imminent deaths and lava covered their bodies from the implosion of the solar system and what was left of it ...

While all of that changed, deaths lurked and the final seconds before destruction destroyed layers and rising flames and those remnants of rocks, parts of asteroid rocks and constellations.

It was in their investigations that it was in those following seconds in the midst of destruction when everyone lost their hopes the cosmos dying out of rocks and comets and asteroids approaching the destroyed orbit a whirlwind and destruction enveloped in flames of lava and lights.

All this was what when what was left of frozen seas breaking and rising evaporating with the lava that rose the lava the center of the earth moments before bodies evaporating and self-destructing together with the center of gravity that the stars were fading and with lights and in that solar system.

The one that was becoming something different, when the white dwarf that was once a sun and now the black hole that sucked the nearest stars and sucking like a star never existed and rising poisonous clouds of gas.

When they were in these cosmic substances and at that time when the children were enveloped in flames and their planet destroyed, all embraced.

In imminent seconds of their deaths and the flames eroding everything around them spreading along with the destruction when ..., when seconds before, when everything was about to end ...

There were tears on the faces of children shrouded in lava flames and destruction when in an instant of time with their imminent death everything stopped a loud and deafening broken glass noise was heard ...

All those who turned around even embraced tears of pain among them and saw a rounded barrier wrapped around their companions around them ...

Above their heads like flames long red hair an incandescent light and long legs strong and whose thighs were thick.

Her naked silhouette with only a fabric in ribbons just a veil covering her arms and her slim body long arms and rounded breasts her equally red eyes

With her eyes and lifting her hands, she pointed ahead and wrapped in energy capsules were teleported and thus saw around her.

When they saw the legendary and immense ship called the ship of the beginning, it was if not the first ship created with the power of the first goddess among the brother's king's gods outside the system.

Thank you, you heard one of the children say while being carried by sentient beings of energy and electricity and the red queen was omniscient.

Its powers were cosmic and its energy was the union between the alpha and omega power and its structure between corporeal and non-physical physical form totally spiritual and energy...

More than 1 million years ago before Krypton's birth, the legendary mothership called the early spaceship had the great warlike power of immense proportions that was 10 times the size of the earth's sun.

Discovering that this was the ship born of the stars and the cosmos that generated its own energy and had its own nucleus, it was the home of the gods capable of creating its own dimension and taking it to other worlds.

The ship was inhabited by beings of incredible intelligence coming from the cosmos and without a physical body and being able to connect to any form of life and the collective consciousness of the ship, energy.

As for the higher forms and made of immaterial and psychic energy, exclusively mental powers.

It was they who were sent from them and sexless angels procreating by parthenogenesis, and flames their bodies could crystallize and harden.

They did not own shape or physical bodies, but created the cybernetic technology through psychic and supernatural power, and it all those that operated the ship were children of the queen and their descendants traveled the cosmos.

Their forms looked humanoid and bluish whitish in color and their hair could alternate between blue at present and red in combat, their eyes were red when their hair was blue and orange.

All of this, when they were red, and had crystals at the ends of their bodies, which connected with their skin and could communicate with other beings, but were not entirely immortal.

In their transformation, when their physical bodies had a time limit they were not degradable and so they could connect and restructure themselves as if by connecting and recreating their body through bodies of hosts the ancient bodies did not deteriorate.

Immediately, when they crystallized and returned to a form of royal blue crystals, their essences by themselves chose a new host, being able to share with another sentient and conscious being and another to alter a technological hybrid form, causing and inducing an evolution.

Even with that, it was causing a fusion of consciousnesses and the more using the host body the more the old one losing consciousness and being absorbed by them and thus becoming a complete being.

All this, while, when he thinks his time is over, he abandoned that body that in turn crystallized and occupied a technological form.

That was a kind of mineral crystal with electrical properties that could be used as technology and was part of the ship as a mechanical part.

It was a precursor technology to that of Krypton prior to its destruction, they were alive and their technology was aware that once they were living beings, the technological part turned off and disconnected from the mental.

Those who could separate weapons and non-weapons were the same things and were aware that they were once flesh beings.

First, they were born of flesh then little by little they would lose their physical form little by little they evolved, joined the technology and lost their physical form and thus divided forming two forms of life and sometimes they lost and used other hosts...

Among them were the most intelligent chief scientist and daughter of Zariel - The red queen, whose name was, well the studies did not say much, but as soon as he obtained more data, he would know ...

For millennia the ship of the beginning had the purpose of taking technology and knowledge wisdom and saving those who needed to be saved it had in its structure black and white crystals and long and pointed and long wings.

All of this, in which his coming could be heralded as the omen of the beginning of so much destruction, but still his interior bigger than the outside was a world inside a ship, formed by crystals of energy.

As for this energy, it comes from the gas stars of the entropy universe, only energy that flows from within it, and for generations it has been its commander.

The one that was called the crimson queen from another world, a goddess who used the form of red energy queen of the energy fields of the red rivers.

One of the daughters born of the energy by parthenogenesis this creature was called Za-ol .

To what was among the apparent female of blue hair and short even though at this time more than twenty thousand years old it had the form of a child with long hair as if spiked and scientist's clothes.

When it was at that moment that it started that it took these children to a distant planet together with a scientist and an ancient race that hitchhiked from another solar system.

And he also saw that was destroyed and these were the VOSH this with your own scientist named, Bertron , same the at that moment was his assistant and girl are in charge of teaching the art of science.

They didn't know any more when they left so much Zaol and the children and the scientists on this little planet and would come back later they would be doomed ...

Current days

Present ground zero moment.

Somewhere else...

It was very interesting to know about the future, as much as it was interesting to know about the past, travel with cosmic beings is learned more when you have great teachers.

Now, he had been back for a while, by the time of the trip he had not gotten past Gotham's gift, at least more than six months, but in reality, Bruce traveled for ages through the multiverse.

During the travels, Bruce learned about the plans that came to fruition, so the man planned, took countermeasures, and that included even Darkseid and each of the villains and heroes.

About that.

It was one of Gotham City's suspicious villain bars, in which some villains got together to plot, among them, the common plans of each one of them, to end Batman.

That was possibly the annual plot meeting against Batman, do you know why?

Because they had nothing better to do, after all, Batman seemed the only one they could challenge with intelligence.

Otherwise, the other heroes were just wall breakers, and ways of punching others in the face.

To what should be commonplace, the plots of each of them, against Batman.

There were catalogs, charts and spreadsheets on the walls of who it was the time, at that time, it was indicating ...

Joker ...

- So, what's your plan today, Joker ? - Riddled questioned.

They were gathered playing cards around a table with countless villains around, tables filled with villains, some drunk and others smoking.

Among those tables that were drinking , while others were playing pool, and in their case, playing cards, smoking and drinking.

- I had a plan. - Said the clown around the table. - But it failed. - Said.

Hands on either side of Joker's shoulders, bending down and looking at him, with a smile full of pointed teeth, hands with thick fingers, and pointed nails.

Everyone gasped as they saw the man appear.

- I propose a deal between us, gentlemen. - Said a man with the face of a red lion, he was tall, goatee sideburns and eyes as red as blood.

He had leonine hair like fiery red lion's manes on top of his head, which were loose and bulky, with undulations and looked like a huge blanket of red hair.

- I have a plan, would you like to know ...? - He asked.

All but Joker have moved away, perhaps fear or apprehension.

Seeing that he had vertical pupils, and a third eye on his forehead, if they suspected he was not human, they were sure, everyone watched.

The one who was a man in a red suit, and goat horns, twisted on either side, a satin suit, shiny shoes.

It was obvious that in no time a normal, normal man, who knows, would do any business with someone like him, that only a madman would accept to propose a business with.

- Say what you propose. - Said Joker .

This was the madman who accepted the deal. - Say I want to hear. - The clown spoke.

- I propose to attract and corner to use Bruce Wayne as a bait, and to surround them, it can be in the Wayne tower, and to insert my serum. - He said. "That would attract every member of the Justice League, and it would neutralize every one of them, with the serum. - He said.

- What does this serum do? - Questioned the clown with all confidence in the man more than suspicious.

- He would make them go crazy, have hallucinations, and you could do whatever you want with him, the man would be immobile, docile and would be a little lamb. - He said.

- I attack the Wayne tower, you surround Bruce Wayne, the man accuses you, you use him and his shareholders, and each of them would be used as bait, in addition to getting rid of Bruce Wayne for a few hours.

Then, you can beat and neutralize the justice league that would be surrounded and drugged, you would be neutralized by a good two weeks of hallucinations.

Good idea. - Said Joker , that without realizing it, everyone there was moving away in fear, the man had a demonic syrup from a demon, and that syringe had a shiny silver material, and it looked like something that shouldn't be a simple hallucinogen.

- Do you want to participate...? - Questioned the clown.

- No. - They said each one, they moved away as if the devil runs away from the cross.

In those two days in a row, Joker gathered a large number of henchmen and gun, sent a warning letter towards the Gotham police station threatening to attack Batman.

They did not listen, because after all, he always did that, as was usual and customary, the bat always got away, solved the problem, and none of them had their plan in place.

Acid paint, paralyzing daisies and bursts of hallucinogenic confetti, these were his new weapons, bombs of light that were machine guns with piercing pins, in addition to the normal bullets, Joker , prepared a party.

It was rare that kind of thing, nobody paid much attention, after all, nor did they care about the other warning that would attack Bruce Wayne, they thought that somehow, Bruce Wayne was well protected .

If you want something wrong, repeat the same thing, because you know that nobody would pay attention.

Anyway, Bruce received a letter, ignoring with all his might, he was leaving his cooking class, and heading towards Wayne Tower.

He had a meeting, he himself did nothing at first, when at last he took it upon himself to ignore what would happen.


That same week, Wayne Tower was attacked by Joker , the clown prince of crime stormed Wayne Tower in the middle of a meeting, climbing each floor which in turn used the gas to kill anyone who got in his way .

They were not alone, there over a thousand employees were taken hostage, they went in with everything destroying everything around them, their hooded henchmen dressed in black with black protections and shirts.

They were bulletproof clothes, wearing vests and masks and makeup with clothes lined with protection while toggle, machine guns, which they used to invade Wayne Tower, shooting everyone who tried to stop him.

At the end of that hour, when the henchmen in colorful clown clothes, who killed around 10 security guards, before invading the 15 floors of that building, and proceed to the presidential meeting, with Joker taking everyone hostage.

Joker burst in with his manic beast smile, he looked full of confetti with an entrance throwing bombs of acid paint, his new batch of jokes, not funny.

Before they managed to climb up to the top floor, where the meeting was taking place, the sound of machine guns firing was enough, in Bruce's opinion, to call, not only security, but the police, and break the justice system. .

The henchmen arrived first, on each of the floors, many died throwing acid paint, stunning light bombs and Bruce made his cue to run in the direction that other shareholders ran, Bruce ran through the corridors, being chased and going in the direction the staircase, by the fire exit.

The man was chased, and while he was using his communicator, at that hour, he made a more than urgent call towards Superman.

- If any time, it was now. - Bruce said. - That was the right time. - Bruce said.

- If that was the cue for you, come, there is no better time, this is the time, that I need you most. - Bruce said.

- Kal. Bruce shouted. - At that hour, anyone would serve, as long as he arrived.

Apparently, the other heroes did not arrive on time.

At that time, between descending flights of stairs, and being chased by henchmen clowns, he was cornered and chased, falling with a shot and a stunning daisy in his back, and being caught and then taken, towards the elevator and being thrown in direction to

- Hello, ladies and gentleman. - Said the clown. - I came to bring the grace of my presence and beautiful company. - Said. - Now, let's see how long the justice league gets here.

There were just over 15 survivors who were led towards a corner of the 15th floor, then tied up and made of bait, it seemed.

- You don't have to die, unless I change my mind. - Said the manic clown.

- You don't have to have them here. - Bruce said putting himself forward, stunned, when he put himself as the voluntary bait.

- Oh, Mr. Wayne, I have a special gift selected for you, I will give you, a new drug that will make you more susceptible to my dreams, we will be equal in kind, I will have a little brother. - He said.

What he said, in reality separates himself from reality, totally, as to what happened next, Bruce knew that nothing good would come out of suspicious drugs, that was a big long and thick syringe.

To the one who had a pearlescent and shiny liquid, it was too strange to think, that something good would come out of there, none of that would come out less than suspicious of the substances created by Joker , and being the crazy brother of a clown was out of the question.

When do you need the league, when do you not have it at the right time?

Bruce tried to resist, he fought the best he could with those henchmen, that he was disarmed and subdued by ten men, such was his fight.

As promised to what he realized that it was all a lie, everyone there was deceived by promises, and happiness did not come as they said it would, pressed when Joker came in front of him and stuck her to his horror, in his chest directly into your heart.

What should happen, was totally what happened, he was ..., the clown and the campaigns released him, hugged by Joker , Bruce was stunned, seconds and in the middle of two minutes of stun, which followed if it was too late , too much or not, happened one after the other.

Joker lost his smile, Bruce gasped turned his face towards the ceiling and spat blood, choked would be the least, he spat, regurgitated and towards the clown who had his face covered in blood, Bruce staggered back, it was at that moment between the near loss of consciousness.

- That's not what he promised. – Bruce started to spit more blood, his eyes, ears and nose filled with blood when his pants got wet, it was hemorrhaging anyway, when Bruce stumbled backwards, his legs lost strength, weakened and fell backwards.

It was too late anyway, being late, that was when Superman, breaking a wall, Bruce fell back, feeling his heart stop, one of the other heroes that Bruce saw was Flash.

Everything disappeared, the sounds disappeared and everything around him darkened, before consciousness caught him, he was caught by the arms of the steel man, distant echoes were heard, but the darkness finally caught him.

In the end, Bruce had fifteen cardiac arrests, as fast as Superman can, took him towards Gotham hospital and took the syringe towards the hospital to study.

They were committed to finding out what the substance was, Joker was taken to the police station, and interrogated.

The clown was relatively docile, unbeknownst to the justice league, he had already surrendered the joker henchmen , but there were over a hundred people inside the building, all of whom were employees.

What among his historical laughs, in which he himself could not say, who made the substance, since he himself had not produced it, simply as he said towards a policeman.

Between interrogation, the substance was unknown, no substance or raw material known to man, at least currently, which was promised a crazy cheap towards his victim, wanted to attract Batman and the justice league.

The doctors had to intubate the man, clean his genetic material, Bruce was intubated, he did not breathe and he did not regain consciousness for the last week in a row.

He was called specialists, in addition to a biochemical doctor and geneticist who was spending a few seasons in Gotham, Bruce Wayne was intubated, his lung, heart were compromised, 89% of his kidneys were collapsing, his bronchioles were compromised.

His lungs and compromised heart, needing to connect to devices in order to be kept alive, looked like the substance was attaching itself to each cell.

The bladder stopped functioning, compromising the functioning of his organism, several organs were having massive hemorrhage, which needed to be kept connected to machines, needed to clear the lungs, and the windpipe that closed.

Superman, Flash, every member of the justice league who heard the distress call but arrived late, failed to prevent this from happening.

There was a community burial of more than one hundred people, including shareholders, businessmen and employees who were inside the twenty security guards' building, fifteen were killed in the attack.

Ebraim Heinrich , was one of the best specialists in biochemistry, who were one of the best specialists in biology, organic chemistry and happened to be there, then.

At that time, they were getting ready for the job to do tests and research about the substance that would be in some way compromising and poisoning Bruce Wayne's body.

Alfred did not know about this, through Amasteus , his travel buddy kept him busy, away from any international news, so he didn't, in the meantime.

At that time, Amasteus who kept control of Wayne companies and had a way of controlling Bruce's finances also kept Bruce's children away, at that point, they were estranged.

There were tests and experiments to study the substance, which were somehow adapting and linking the cells and the deterioration of the organism, Amasteus and Ebraim kept it a secret from justice and kept it

secret from the whole setting.

Bruce Wayne really died, around 12 times, his heart stopped for five minutes each time, to be restarted, Ebraim, was overloaded, each time, connected to respirators.

In addition to oxygen probes, catheters and hoses, intubated and with food and nutrient probes, which kept him alive.

At that time, Ebraim was studying and researching the substance and he had barely figured out what it would do, its effects were unknown, considering that it did not seem known at all.

What made it difficult to discover a countermeasure or a vaccine or a serum, which left him hooked up to devices, without breathing and with hemorrhage that all of his main organs were compromised.

Ebraim remembered a similar substance a long time ago, when he was still in concentration camps, he was one of the few survivors of the Nazi camps, he was one of the Holocaust Jews, who survived in the camps.

At least until the second order, in which he was now, he was dealing with the same substance, but due to the implications, he could not say what they were.

As for what he discovered, there were too many questions, which would lead to the situation where he could not say how much he knew, and where they would take them.

The substance was taken to his laboratory by Amasteus , who chose him to supervise and stay in charge of the treatment, just like him, the man seemed to know the origin of the substance and that of volatile chemistry.

In terms of how his idea came about, and who had taken it towards Joker , there were only two people alive, who knew its real effects , and what would be its results if they knew, Ebraim, found some excuse to isolate him in a place further away.

As everything that he said was contagious, then, he took him in a remote wing directly under his supervision that it would not be good for the substance to act alone.

Those were the two most worrying weeks of his life, because everything depended on the organism.

When trying to fight against a substance that could kill him, and that strange chemical, that foreign body that, in case, Bruce would not be able to connect in his cells and his organism could not resist, he could die, if he did not adapt.

In the midst of this, each member of the justice league, entered secretly, without being aware that they were being monitored and recorded .

So he visited them, Ebraim and Amasteus saw each of them, weeping on top of a body on top of a bed,

Knowing that there was a stabilization time, whoever did it, would leave everything prepared, for the right moment and due to their knowledge that it would be kept under lock and key.

He was committed that anyone would be frightened by the effects that would last a certain time, everything so that until the substance was bound to the organism.

When everything happened until the body stabilized, until then, it seemed that it would actually die, due to the organism's struggle in its attempt to resist.

Now, thinking about it, it had been over a hundred years that he had not seen its symptoms, results and effects, yes, it could go wrong, but it could work, if it could not bring the true meaning to the moon of the day.

He was studying the effects of the substance under the microscope, until someone, a smart paparazzi, knew that he entered the room, apparently with the help of an intern, or an employee, taking pictures of a man on a respirator, unconscious and connected to devices. .

Those were his most worrying weeks, if the body didn't adapt or fight, Bruce would die ...

Leaked to several newspapers around the world for a while, Wayne's stock plummeted, which the American stock market was down there with.

Bruce Wayne's children tried to enter, for which they were expelled, and were not allowed to stay there.

Joker , broke into the site, to see a man on the machine, as he realized was used to kill or make an experience with a home m in the end, was in a bed, the dying, if one day he returned to world of the living.

What he saw, almost at the end of the week he told, he saw progress, slow, but it was what he was waiting for, when the compromised organs were adapting and recovering, returning to their full strength, and their full biological capacity.

Those were the three longest weeks of his life, until when all the organs returned to normal, and he took off his breathing hose, so he stayed by his side, waiting for the man to wake up.

- Then. - Said the man beside him, sitting in the chair, his name is Bruce Wayne, or Edward Parks? - He asked, with his legs crossed, when he saw the man wake up.

For a man in a bed, his smile was very skewed, and happy.

- For a Nazi who stole the body of a Jew, do you think you could hide this secret forever? Bruce asked.

- Will you deliver it to me? Asked Ebraim.

"No." said Bruce. - If you don't give me up, that I used a fake ID to hypnotize you? Bruce asked.

- So, you have nothing against Nazi experiments? - Questioned the man.

- Neither of us can deliver the other. - Bruce said. - Certain things have to be forgotten and buried. - Bruce said.

- Did you discover the Führer's hiding place? Asked Ebraim.

- In a way or another. - Bruce said.

- Could you tell me where your Führer hid the Nazi gold. - Bruce said. - I find a way to take it and share it with you, without anyone being able to claim it. - Bruce said.

- So, have we forgotten this? - Questioned the man.

- I could do better. - Bruce said. - I know a way, place and where you could keep your experiments hidden and how to continue doing without getting caught, or having a limit. - Bruce said.

- What is your interest in that? - Questioned the man.

- I could use your inventions and your skills. - Bruce said. - We can be partners. - Bruce said.

– I'm interested in your capabilities. - Bruce said.

- Your experiments could keep you secret. - Bruce said.

- So helping me by keeping it secret that you spy on other Arkham interns, in addition to internal contact. - Said the man.

- Okay, I accept. - Said the Nazi who pretended to be a Jew. - Let's make a drink for the beginning of a great new alliance and friendship. - Said the man, handing a plastic cup of water.

They both had dirty secrets that should be kept hidden and neither of them wanted it to come out .

Bruce recovered, and left the next day, when he was not approached, and kept hidden from the justice league, the next day, leaving in tabloids, and news, paparazzi, newspapers and social media.

Sometime after vacation...

Bruce in turn, at that point, was returning to work, which he was just abusing and using the weakness of each of the heroes in not appearing, or having the courage to see him.

He had a new secret employee, some hidden documents, and secret locations that by other means would have been other people's, but now, were his.

Four weeks before ...

Bruce was going towards some investigations, it was said that some villains like Joker were plotting against him, which he decided to investigate, but there were other things more important than a Gotham villain to get his attention , he had his contact , which was Ellis.

In the end, he convinced one of his allies that they lost a bet to deliver the serum of the souls of the Jewish philosopher's stone.

Bruce was kind of pushed in that direction when he was told about schemes he should follow.

At that time, Bruce had some clues given by demons that sent him to the other side of the world, more precisely in Europe, he was walking through some hidden places, others of difficult access, between hidden places that if they did not know where they were and where to look , would never find them.

All of this for what he discovered to be an old concentration camp, one of his Arkham asylum allies, had said about a session with a man called Ebraim.

Knowing that he was a Jew who had a crisis, and needs special treatment, because of an outbreak he had, he was a doctor of years, who in turn had secrets that he did not want to discover.

When he baked for torture and was there when his family was murdered, having a 69-year-old wife and a 33-year-old daughter.

Anyway, he didn't know, but even though he received a letter, of an alleged attack on Batman over a trap that was referred to the Gotham police station that week.

3 weeks before ...

In your investigations.

That was a city that few knew about was off the radar of Nazi hunters, if the history of Auschwitz and other camps, under the direction of Dr. Eduard Wirths , detainees were subjected to various experiments.

These experiences that were supposed to help in the war, but few knew about ghost towns far off the radar, in the interior of Germany, which few knew from records.

Again, from a Nazi camp that does not exist and whose doctors involved did not exist .

The ones that were hidden from the projects that were hidden that they said, should be hidden and burned.

One of the inmates at Arkham Sanatorium, a doctor who cared for a patient, who had a conversation, which at first believed to be a delirium of a surviving patient.

Knowing that one of the doctors, he told Bruce a treatment for a 79-year-old man, who suffered from stress that survived Hitler's pressure, and what one day was one of the scientists who worked for the Führer.

Among his investigations, which he discovered in records that were kept secret from justice, this traumatized man was part of the Paper Clips project during a period of the cold war.

Bruce researched about him, knowing that he was one of the Jews who were forced to work for Hitler, in that period from 1940 to 1945, he was sent.

There were documents and records which, according to him, were found to be from a Jew and a German who, according to records, to various places for experiments, one of which was Auschwitz and other fields, would be another doctor.

His name was Ebraim Heinrich Dannenberg Dupelgunger Fiodorentch , son of German Jewish parents, in his youth he was blond.

By Hitler's German standards, he was an anomaly, out of all anomalies, which came in at one in a million.

- You won the lottery, Ebraim. - Said Hitler, who was there in front of him.

They were surrounded by his soldiers who brought him there in front of the Führer.

When Bruce learned that he was one of the scientists, and that he did not do it because he wanted to, he learned that he was the youngest of 18 siblings, a large family of more than 30 people .

Those men were rich, but their riches were not able to save them from extermination, concentration camps and holocaust.

On the contrary, his rich money was confiscated, Ebraim's fiancée was killed according to reports on the operating table, he was obliged, like others, like him, to make those who loved him, to make her the personal mouse of experiments.

At first, Ebraim tried to escape, to protect the family, tried to save them, but in a trap, in his escape, in the middle of one of his relatives, who handed them over and betrayed them to the Führer.

When Hitler handed them over, he said with a spy, the good thing was that the Führer, too, did not like traitors, in the middle of handing over his relatives, Batchenko was taken directly to the concentration camps and never left there, at least alive.

Professor of Ebraim, Wernhen Duremberg Von Dostoivsky Petroviano , was one of the best scientists, some said, that he was the favourite scientist.

Discovering in the records that he was a personal friend of Hitler, he was the professor of anthropology of Adolf, and of Ebraim, it is known, that Ebraim was a colleague of Hitler in college, before his paths changed.

But in his investigations, what he said, not everything was true, he was left with the wealth of his whole family, with the end of it all, when the allied armies.

When armies cornered them and many committed suicide, which made it impossible, due to the experiment by Ebraim and Wernhen , which made them indirectly immortal, they would not be able to go back, seeing

To what Ebraim did everything to try to save, Ebraim that Wernhen tried to convince him to ally with Hitler, and thus to save the remaining ones, between the beginning of the madness, he allied with Dostoivksy .

While both were forced to work with the other doctors, which during the time, and the request for exile and the help of the Americans, they never managed to save a single relative, served as a guinea pig in the concentration camps.

He called it life-span absorption, which had an effect, when they couldn't go back, and watching their entire family die in front of them .

There were more than 30 people, and his fiancée made him susceptible to suicide, that's what Wernhen used to take Ebraim's life.

To what he had grandparents and great-grandparents, who would be alive, if it were not for the intervention of the Nazis, and the constant threats, second records, they had to flee, and that they, in fact, they were chased, between escapes.

In the middle of his request for help from the North American government, almost at the end of the first world war, like him, others joined the Paperclip program .

He was one of the Reich's allied doctors who was forced to work or die, managed to resist, until his family was killed one by one in front of him.

In exchange for not killing his family, he worked directly so that they knew about it reported some data regarding secrets that were left behind.

It was in developing new weapons, helping to recover the military that had been wounded, and for the advancement of racial ideology supported by the Third Reich, it was a concentration camp in a Nazi camp.

Starting to build in Austria, and going through each of the abandoned coal tunnels, they were supposed to be tunnels that would be abandoned by the constant landslides.

Taking advantage of the fame of haunted and ghost towns, they propagated that the place was inhabited by ghosts, cursed old tourist fields and Viking cemeteries, with the imminent threat that they would not be able to cross the place.

All of this, due to the earthquakes and earthquakes, that place was kept away from the curious, due to the fragile structure that was not meant to be visited, and there would be no people who could observe and enter that place.

Whereupon they were sent and he forced many to work in secret fields, whereupon he had secret services and reinforced by Nazi engineers and builders.

The ones that were used as labor, were just what they called disposables, which were entire Jewish wealthy families who could have their money confiscated.

It was in that place that it was called Vergessene Stadt , there were documents and papers, to which these cities, which were hidden, among frozen rivers .

To what stood between snowy forests, mining camp, abandoned caves of ores and coal, and underground tunnels and aqueducts.

In one of three cities that were formed before all this, hidden and financed for the creation of an experimental serum, which he found to serve a specific purpose.

As he focused off the radar in an old building next to abandoned coal mines, unlike the others, those hidden fields and underground labs.

What was built underground, and those closest to Hitler was there, never to report, was called Nimmerland

All this was done by the third Reich, they were old excavations, which simply, when he discovered, that this place was not just a simple abandoned mine, a network of underground tunnels.

It was not just on paper, which he discovered were tunnels that travelled between Denmark and Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Yugoslavia and Greece.

All of them were made, with constructions, which were during occupations, they were not only simple caves, but were coal and diamond mines .

When they were deactivated, with the excuse of collapses and tremors, their entrance was in Belgium, between a cave among the mountains.

He can see that they were kilometers long, running through the place, he can see that those places were so hidden that they supposedly could not be discovered, between the forests and Austria was one of the places where Hitler invaded.

Walking through his tunnels looking at that place was hidden, where he can only go towards Vienna, when the Führer hid them, his biggest plans, there were cameras.

Between the cameras and tunnels there were photos and documents hidden between rooms and more filing rooms, there were tunnels of underground and old tracks that were there in that place, not only documents and test reports and experiments kept, but the gold stolen from the Nazis.

That was wealth, the treasure known to all Nazi prisoners, money was the wealth of all Jews who died in the holocaust.

Where he knew now, it was that place, where he had hidden all the wealth of all the Jews who died in the concentration camps.

The reason that was not found until that moment, was that about a hypnosis session where, Bruce disguised himself as a doctor, he went to the doctor's country house .

As for his mind, after the hypnosis session, where Bruce reminded him of the secrets he didn't want to remember so much.

Now, the engravings were his, what he would do with all those riches, the gold in wagons, he would have to see how far the train tracks would take him.

Everything to know where it ended there, as well as going underground and caves among abandoned coal mines between the mountains of Austria, which went beyond and after that country, going through the forests that were once used for the invasions, and that their undergrounds were dug .

If he ever spoke about it, it would raise complicated questions from a man who did not want to remember his traumas, and how unethical he would be.