Descending in Desire of Darkness
img img Descending in Desire of Darkness img Capítulo 4 chapter 4
Capítulo 6 chapter 6 img
Capítulo 7 chapter 7 img
Capítulo 8 chapter 8.1 img
Capítulo 9 chapter 8.2 img
Capítulo 10 chapter 9.1 img
Capítulo 11 chapter 9.2 img
Capítulo 12 chapter 10 img
Capítulo 13 Chapter 11.1 img
Capítulo 14 Chapter 11.2 img
Capítulo 15 Chapter 12.1 img
Capítulo 16 Chapter 12.2 img
Capítulo 17 chapter 13.1 img
Capítulo 18 chapter 13.2 img
Capítulo 19 chapter 14.1 img
Capítulo 20 chapter 14.2 img
Capítulo 21 chapter 15.1 img
Capítulo 22 chapter 15.2 img
Capítulo 23 chapter 15.3 img
Capítulo 24 chapter 15.4 img
Capítulo 25 chapter 16.1 img
Capítulo 26 chapter 16.2 img
Capítulo 27 chapter 17.1 img
Capítulo 28 chapter 17.2 img
Capítulo 29 chapter 18.1 img
Capítulo 30 chapter 18.2 img
Capítulo 31 chapter 19.1 img
Capítulo 32 chapter 19.2 img
Capítulo 33 chapter 20.1 img
Capítulo 34 chapter 20.2 img
Capítulo 35 chapter 21.1 img
Capítulo 36 chapter 21.2 img
Capítulo 37 chapter 22.1 img
Capítulo 38 chapter 22.2 img
Capítulo 39 chapter 23.1 img
Capítulo 40 chapter 23.2 img
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Capítulo 4 chapter 4

#### Chapter 0004

All of this, by pretending to be a psychiatrist and hypnotist to get the secret he was looking for out of a Jew's mind.

There in that place, there were several laboratories, and strange and totally suspicious substances, that he could see that didn't come to light of day.

Being able to say that where in his opinion, both he and his patient, as far as he can see why, he wanted to be well buried, and had not recovered from his traumas until today, as long as he remembers the torture he suffered.

Realizing that he was in a dogless bush, he realized that he would also be in trouble if he revealed even half the truth of how he came to know the exact truth about the Nazi treasure.

There were documents and records that reported and there were family histories and documents that had reports on these two scientists, who in his view were the main men, the freezers and the preserved bodies.

Plus a lot of barrels and tanks with chloroform and preserved bodies, and this Jew didn't look all that innocent.

As much as he found out that that man was supposed to be dead and kept there, which raises numerous questions, as to the experiments, what would it be...

Mind transfer between brain waves, in addition to copying genetic material, from one living being to another.

Creating a serum similar to the super soldier, but which had their own alternative purposes, besides nefarious ones, other than transferring genetic material from one body to another.

Discovering that they were doing beyond shape-shifting copy, beyond brainwaves and lifetime absorption multiplying by 3 times their time.

It was the transfer of energy, force and power from a body or environment, sucking the vital energy to amplify and take the lifespan of a surrounding being or environment, towards another body as an anchor.

The one he saw was the source of eternal life that would be stealing life from a place like nature, and thousands of other bodies, transferring it like a fog, and that they did.

In their experiments, they were using gas chambers as a source of power, transferring energy from thousands of bodies towards it.

All this, in three other beings that were in that room, each of the tests he saw when taking to his computer was registered.

They were using the energy and strength of thousands of victims, transforming this into a single energy capsule that was waiting for the transference of so many other individuals.

That place was filled with a single energy capsule, genetic material life of thousands of victims, and all the Jews who died in the concentration camps in the gas chamber.

The stabilization time was 4 weeks, until the energy stabilized, and the time to stabilize the organism, and create a new identity, and it was used to absorb the energy of life around you, such as contact with the life of an environment.

Then, leaving it dry, the lifespan of an environment leaving it sterile, which would multiply by three times its time.

All this, when it would absorb an amount of life equivalent to a thousand out of the environment itself.

That's how he gained the life span of each of them, when he can use it to stay longer on earth, should they die, draining the life span of each of them.

In case each one of them, they would not die of human intervention, violence, in the gas chambers, by diseases and other unnatural means, that procedure.

What he saw was embedded in just a single syringe of a white glass, which he saw could be injected for that moment, he wouldn't say.

Which gave no Nazi time to take the lifespan of millions of Jews and victims killed in Nazism.

None of those doctors were going to say what really happened there, they were going to raise questions that no Nazi wanted to say.

Now, all that lifetime, was injected into him, it took him to discover the fountain of youth, where the countless lives of thousands of Jews were inside a single syringe ,

Where he was using Joker's thirst to find a way he could beat Batman.

It was then, when he visited that place for the first time, that he managed to live for a long time, after all, the life span of more than millions of men, women and children who were subjected to experiences was in that syringe.

He knew that the doctor who was actually pretending to be a Jew was using only a procedure that was a change of body to transfer consciousness from one body to another, while he recorded the procedure in question.

Planning his steps, he now traversed the tunnels where he could know he would lead into the forest of Austria between fields and underground mines, between Russia and Czechoslovakia, between the tunnels and France that ran through that place.

Where he knew would possibly lead to an underground railway and the other side of an underground railway, there was no owner, specifically.

So this man who supposedly called himself Ebraim, 89 years old, was not 89 years old, but 136 years old, that he took a part of the life serum.

The difference was that it wasn't a lazarus well, it was what he called a Nazi philosopher's stone, made of the lives and souls of captured Jews .

Bruce found that according to records, he was born, on November 12, 1884, there were other tests, which were not just two men, but 4 men, who underwent the experiment, from the source of life.

Even though he did not need to say that few knew that railroad, in short what they knew were the Nazis and only one of them was alive and could not claim.

Talking to his lawyer that he could both convert and transport those riches in alternative ways, that were by trade in gold and jewels, where they would not have suspicions of how it would happen.

It was then, that he was transferring suspicious wealth through illegal and underworld trade with suspicious auctions that he could never be linked not directly, due to his origin and his age, because the only ones who would know this would be those who died more than 100 years.

Even though he had his treacherous plans, he hid the boat, and he didn't seem to mind what came next.

Using all the insecurity of everyone involved, their lawyers, subpoenaing the Gotham police for better measures, prosecutions, and all the trouble caused by Joker's invasion of Wayne Tower.

The heroes who didn't show up in time, his press conference when he was taken better, to make clarifications.

Joker's threat letters to the Gotham police were leaked .

Now, he was looking into it, even if it stayed that way, amidst the commotion that had helped him be the victim.

They would never suspect the plan, because in the end, he didn't shoot, Bruce used his rich little money to bury everyone inside the building, there was a commotion and many people went to participate in the collective funeral.

Some time later...

Superman looked like a goddamn dog as soon as they met after saving Kara from Darkseid 's brainwashing , and coming back to Earth, he looked very attached, too attached to an aimless man.

That's how his occasional footprints with the conqueror of Apokolips began , it was before his journey.

What a crush towards the stars, in the middle of your journey.

At that point, he always seemed to find an excuse to be in the Batcave, at least three months ago when he was kicked out of the cave.

It was more than a week after Kent's parents' house had been rebuilt with the help of the League, Kara seemed surprised to even see everyone reunited...

The dark knight was aware that everything was passenger Darkseid wouldn't let him for less he would return...

So when he went down to the cave and started researching, he never again wore the cloak as soon as he returned.

So before his departure from Ap o kolips , Batman had entered the laboratory center and control center and copied several intergalactic files and documents and some documents from an extensive sidereal library.

What he accumulated in his built-in belt system and what was most interesting was the link and connection between the ruler of Apokolips and Luthor.

In his scheme, which he was planning, on his computer, there were some trade-offs between his research and various forms of experiments, all this between exchanging mutant slaves and thus transferring directly to his cave computer.

That's what happened, so for the next three months, he began to isolate himself and research Apokolips and its machinery and the way it worked.

While they were storing and searching using the bat -computer and storing and searching.

Hidden there, there were the cave data, patrolling less and less, leaving it to his associates, while he was exclusively translating, studying and unraveling the mysteries of the world of Apokolips .

Apokolips' arsenals were extensive and various mutagenic processes and experiments with the divine DNA of the new gods and a graph of evolution, between species, Kryptonian cell fusion .

Meanwhile, it was a however, even if they were of another race derived from Kryptonians and or ancient caste, and artificial crosses, between ancient beings and biological and bionic forms even artificial technology with organic form, he crossed charts.

In the next moment, that's when he copied from the Fortress of Solitude with what he stole from Apokolips , and most interestingly seeing graphics hybrid searches of an alien form of an ancient race.

At that point, there was a race he researched that were as old as the guardians of the Green Lantern Corps and that by standards had been extinct for millennia, where he also stole an explosion tube.

The omega gallows was the main source a way to reproduce the fusion between the omega gallows in a controlled way, and the ancient gallows that governs the dimension and ancient dimensional temples.

But again , he was dealing with someone who was driven on the basis of conscience and he knew that at some point he would relieve some part of himself...

All he knew was that he was a being able to think, both in some degrees of emotions...

This was the wall between dimensions, creating slaves for ç omega and controlling their minds cutting parts of your consciousness and cerebellum.

While brain and times for cleaning O cosmic, and artificial and natural manner and thereby the power generating omega thus being derived from cosmic energy ...

By encrypting various alien language data as old as time itself and crossing it with information collected from both the guardians and ancient Krypton.

There, where he researched, he found what had various information, from extinct civilizations, he ended up in the cave without sleep for several days and so without caring he turned off the communicator and in turn ignored calls from the league and his own children.

There was something wrong there, there was a barrier a secret password an obscure story.

What was something that shouldn't be shown is one of these stories and more encrypted data and further down there we have something worse someone blocked some Krypton data...

He exchanged information with Hal, there was a huge amount of alien races in a troop database, and an ancient civilization extinct.

It was a period before the inhabitants of Krypton, but nothing was known about mutagenic fusion hybrid research.

So in this case, it seemed to be part of the black book of the guardians who had what they knew to be cut out of the book as the dark age of the troop.

Some time later on your journey through the multiverse and through time.

Bruce Wayne discovered many secrets, stories and tales around time, everything he needed to know, the countless secrets that the multiverse hid.

Each of those gods and demons led him towards moments in time where he found himself in various stories.

He found himself at a time in the past, making out with Darkseid , between moments in time.

Bruce had returned for some time of your trip, between the lasting of this time, he had the his one year sabbatical, giving the guys for a long time, he should go back, but was not in the league of justice for a while.

Bruce coming back in the middle of missions with the League, coincided with Apokolips' invasion of Earth, which he took advantage of.

All this, so that he could test the ground, and have his long-awaited experience, and first gay footprint.

It was the exact time he used to travel, and get an excuse for how much money he had.

He hadn't automatically returned to the justice league, he needed to catch up on business and affairs, his celibate year wasn't over yet.

When Bruce researched a mutagenic bomb that would drastically change cells amidst the Lex Corp slave trade . at the time of Luthor's presidency, however, trafficking.

What was not over, was an agreement of exchange of benefits between Darkseid and Luthor, that when exchanging data and translation was just this week that they would meet that day he already knew, in three days.

Bruce had a plan forming, which made his discovery through time, made him discover a way to avoid the events that led each of the futures to materialize, he heard several strange sounds and when he least expected Superman appeared seemed very sullen .

So that in the end, he found out more, and after all it didn't matter at all at the time, he should really unravel an intergalactic human traffic, after all, that was the mystery of the present, that Tim and the others couldn't solve with its absence.

Again, when he researched Darkseid's life , he had only one love in his life, Suli , and later married on his mother's orders.

It was all discovered at some point in their research until Darkseid killed his mother Queen Heggra , he followed all his orders and not to that it killed his elder brother under his orders ...

He discovered a lot about the new god, and as Darkseid is who he is by creation, even being who he is has emotions can fall in love at some point .

He can change... but sometimes not for the better, and he could manipulate him for those goals...

Therefore, when he saw his surroundings , he had an enemy with little libido or was well controlled...

You could try a test and see how that would help you.

When, he was in the watchtower, that's when he was talking to Hal, if there would be sex trafficking in space on other planets and if there would be women on these planets who sell themselves for money, sex enlightened minds...

Several nights before he secluded himself in the cave, he was in the watchtower and there was Jordan...

It was a certain period of time, in which he returned and was seen again with a youthful air in the tabloids, he was not the destroyed man nor the victim of so many difficulties .

Amidst this, rumors arose, he said that he met a distant relative who had left an inheritance that he did not detail how much, so he hid his money well hidden.

While he returned and Alfred's presence, who had previously been welcome, he now planned a way to give him a vacation, to keep him away from his plans.

Now, you ask, he had given holiday a month , so your coffee , lunch and dinner boiled down to him to fast food, sometimes , he did, but it really was not as good as .

The what he wanted it to be, it made him learn to cook ..., I would not give to live just ready dishes warmed in the microwave.

Well after his death, which he had more than a no of his clown war, now, getting rich again, he went to find out if the hidden money was still as hidden as he left it.

His battle before his return to earth, when he died, did not last long to return, and whoever gave the ring of black lanterns was none other than the host of the wager.

One thing that Bruce remembered was his agreement with the creature, so that he could return, he knew that beside him, there was not only him, but other versions of him that made agreements, which were his most intimate desire, the desire most hidden from your heart.

That desire that each one of them, would do everything to be fulfilled.

Receiving from her, at the hands of the onslaught of his alternate versions, he met the gambler's host, knowing he had begun to formulate his plan, he didn't know when how or who, but it was sometime , pretty sure it was respectively him, and not an alternate version of him.

The dark multiverse was a fertile field for good ideas, which he can, over time, talk to any version of it.

Before they became what they became, they had other ideas, they, like him, had a desire, and when for a glimpse of time, he didn't know whether he saw, witnessed, or dreamed of a future.

The darkest knight, at some point in time, when everything changed, at one point in time, he or someone or several versions of him saw what each of them saw, so he didn't know who, but he saw that he should keep the plan for him, start...

That was a life of dreams and nightmares, he wanted to find the host of the gamble, he wanted to find a way that the futures he saw again as he traveled the multiverse, that he could use to prevent it from happening...

About that.

When Bruce returned to earth, after his trip, between the missions he participated.

That's when Bruce went to check on some things, followed Superman's request towards the watchtower, there were some maintenances he needed to do in the monitor room...

When he was in the watchtower in the monitor room.

It was formulating a plan, at the time in question, when he started with the question.

- Flashlight. – He said while they were both looking at the monitor.

- Yes... - Hal said after a while...

- Is there sexual trafficking on other planets? - He said , looking at the stars.

- What? - Asked the flashlight in his direction.

- What do you mean. - Asked the Green Lantern, looking into her eyes.

- It's a logical question. - Said Batman.

– Whether in some countries on earth prostitution is a crime and there is human or sexual trafficking. - He said looking at the graph of the planets.

– Then it must exist in others. - Said.

- Why do you want to know? - Hal said suspiciously.

- You're an intergalactic cop. - Said.

– In which galaxies is this a crime? - He asked.

- Yes. - He said.

– Have you arrested any? - He asked.

- On which planets and galaxies is this allowed? - He asked.

- I already arrested, yes. – Hal said looking in his direction.

– But I was never interested in knowing which ones. - Said.

- So, how would you know where it is or is not allowed? - Wanted to know Batman.

- The ring warns. - Said Hal.

- Only when the ring told. - Said.

- Why do you want to know? - Asked evaluating the bat.

- A curious question came to mind. - Said Batman measuring the words.

- I wonder if Darkseid has any male or female slaves. - Said.

- After all, Apokolips is a different place, I thought in the remote possibility that each planet or galaxy of a usurper or conquered could make its rules. - Said.

- And that stays outside the jurisdiction of the lanterns can do what they want and make their own laws. - It said.

- And that he has sex with prostitutes, or if there is a woman even though she is an alien who willingly gives herself to him or to any despot. - Said.

– After all, some planets are not reduced to the green lantern. - Said.

- It's well ... - He said.

– Each civilization has its own rules and laws and what they think is right. - Said.

– Not everyone follows the rules of the corporation. - Said.

– Even so, not everyone agrees with the words slave or prostitutes. - He said.

- In fact, it is so deeply rooted in society that it is common and even welcome to have sex for money some just accept it. - Said.

– It was as if it were high class, the value of a being in the sexual act, and seen with values and in itself a high-class person. - Said.

- As for Darkseid . - Said Hal.

- I hear he seduces his mates and is even gifted. - Said.

– He, from what I've heard, is capable of taking the fil for hours. - Said.

– And he is considered a sex god. - Said.

It was in his studies, and in his researches that he discovered...

Darkseid liked submission, and he managed to hack the computer information of some of Darkseid's allies , and he can research about it...

Again, when he found out more about Darkseid's occasional escapades between these sporadic and infrequent periods...

That scene, and the situation he didn't think would be difficult to insinuate into Darkseid ...

Bruce followed him, studied, monitored and investigated him.

Even so, he was planning when he was thoughtful, the word came, well-endowed, because he didn't see many suitors and maybe even those he could say, someone who would cut the reins of the conqueror...

When again, he saw only one woman and was killed by Darkseid's mother .

Since knowing about the queen, was already killed by him , there is a long time to be an obstacle for him, if Batman thought how he would do it, maybe, how he could start investing in it.

As time went on, that's when he was formulating the plan.

If he were able to conquer the Emperor of Apokolips , he could conquer anyone, and it would be unprecedented.

When again, he thought more about it in that situation...

Bruce could test the idea, he could test his theory and so he would if he had an opportunity...

About that.

Bruce had planned and had months of research and preparation, so he would soon put the data he'd gathered into action, he didn't have to wait long.

Bruce thought of putting into practice and testing all his experiences, in terms of the data and reports he had gathered.

It was an invasion of Apokolips to land.

While the most powerful heroes and everyone there fought, Bruce using his luck and a tracker, he infiltrated the middle of their laboratories and Apokolips fortresses , waiting for the right moment.

Taking the opportunity to steal some data from Apokpolips computers , when he felt a presence, before a huge shadow was projected behind him, giving time to transfer information.

The omega sanction was launched in his direction, he took a board, very fast and that millimeters before it was at his side, ripped off with a thump of the computer controls.

As the omega sanction ray was fired in his direction, Bruce dodged at the last second, using it as a shield against the omega sanction that was disintegrated in front of him, in the middle of his leap and hurling bombs towards his opponent and his attacker. .

- A mouse. – Bruce heard Darkseid's deep voice , approaching him, slowly, each step trapped him on the other side of the wall between the controls, Bruce knew it all depended on them approaching, he was cornered towards the other controller, the system keyboards of Apokolips , Darkseid was hanging him...

- Well, you gave me a great chance. – Bruce said.

Bruce approached Darkseid and wrapped his legs around him and with a last bit of strength kissed him, holding him, he hoped that Darkseid would release him, and kill him, giving him a slap there, who knows if he thought the best.

It didn't happen, not the way Bruce planned it, but it did, Darkseid replied, still kissing him back, after still trying to choke him, and bending him, pushing toward the controls, and still sticking his tongue inside his. his mouth, Bruce rubbed against him, being pushed and pulled.

- Damn snake. - Darksied growled hugging and pulling, lifting his shirt and sucking his left nipple squeezing it, letting out a scream.

- You like. - Darkseid growled, squeezing and pushing.

- You too. – Bruce said.

That was their first footprint.

Darkseid bent and sucked him there, amidst the controls, and the heroes battling outside, but as always, hearing the booms coming closer and closer, the new god releasing him then, still helping him get dressed. , and seconds later it was flying towards him, Superman, breaking and breaking through walls for his confrontation with the new god.

Bruce was rescued, and taken away, the troops were withdrawn.

Batman knew this wouldn't be the first of the last, but he was waiting for the next time.

He took advantage, and downloaded the stolen information into his computer, after they said goodbye to the heroes in the watchtower some time later.

It didn't take a month to repeat the invasion and make out.

In another invasion, it looked like he learned by cornering, amid swarming and carrying him to the other side of Apokolips' stronghold , and grabbing him, then repeating the make-out session.

- You like to be grabbed and dominated. - Darkseid said in the midst of their kisses and making out.

- Who better than a conqueror and a dominator for this. – Bruce said.

That wasn't the first time, that Batman was molested and cornered by Darkseid , it was more of a test, but seeing that the new god was more than receptive and dominant , Darkseid grabbed him, caught him, sucked and fingered taking advantage of these attacks and making out, between kisses and mouths, and going towards his hole, taking advantage of Bruce.

- Are you more than receptive and interested in more than one footprint? - Questioned Darkseid .

- If you're interested, I am. – Bruce said.

The new god would not let him be in control, the test said he would dominate him there and not let him set any pace, he had the idea, he knew his plans.

Before he got into a tongue battle with Darkseid , while he wouldn't go to the new god's throne room, diverting his attention, Bruce headed towards the throne room, in his rush, when he entered the throne room. control.

- Wait. - What he knew that insinuating himself to the new god was dangerous, the case was that he would not just let him between just kisses.

Darkseid was kissing Bruce next, the dark knight, turning the man away from him, Bruce leaning on the computer controls, the new god pulling down his pants.

- Please do not. – Bruce cried, then, when the new god was sticking his fingers in his mouth making him suck .

- Suck. - Ordained new god with a growl, and in turn, pounding him with his fingers inside him, he received slaps on his ass.

- Come on, let's not see. - Darkseid growled .

- Now. - Growled Darkseid - Suck. - Darkseid growled , Bruce had no other solution, but to suck.

It was a finger fuck, in and out, of him, Bruce tried to squirm away, but for every attempt, the smaller man got slapped on his ass and squished from his cock.

- Behave yourself. - Darksied growled . – Or it will be worse. - he growled, pulling, while Bruce was holding the side of the pants of Darkseid , - Pulling towards your face. – You asked for it. - Darkseid growled spreading his legs, and Darkseid's fingers , the new god holding him turning him to his feet, he kept him erect against his chest.

The new god had one hand gripping his waist, another hand behind him, thrusting into his hole, his cock going hard and erect, rocking, as the new god fucked him with his fingers in and out of him.

That was his first experience of anal sex, strumming with his fingers, inside out of him, with thrusts and his screams, Darkseid kissed him in the middle of feeling his pants bunched up .

The new god, behind him fucking Bruce with his fingers, the smaller man felt the zipper of Darksied's pants was also bunched up in his heels, he felt his cock rub against his slit , his cock rubbing his entrance , almost entering , between the crack, almost giving way .

At that hour Bruce thought he was going to get fucked there, but there was a bang, towards the ceiling, a thud that shook the walls and tempted him, hearing a growl from Darkseid .

Then the new god who turned him, they were rubbing each other, the new god commanding the rhythm, between their kisses, and moans, and lips, coming between their stomachs.

Darksied turned him, Bruce saw that huge thick cock, rubbing himself, Darkseid , both of them rubbing, pushing towards the controls, he made him lie down.

- Let's be quick, your Kryptonian friend , soon will be here. - Darkseid growled .

Again, when opening his legs, high and spread, holding between his inner thighs, fucking with his fingers inside him, with thumps in between as he alternates between his tongue and mouth.

The new god was sucking and pounding him with deep strokes in and out of him, while the new god, swallowing his hole, pumping his cock, with his hands.

Bruce came in the mouth of Darkseid between fucking tongue and fingers were soft and deep, hitting a magical place that made him scream and growled.

Before Bruce had another orgasm, Darksied pulled his fingers and tongue out of him, forcing him to dress roughly, he pulling and whispering in his ear, before releasing him.

- One hour, you won't have a league hero to stop me from deflowering you, Batman, you'll be mine. - Said the new god. – I will destroy this hole. - Darkseid growled . - And you will belong to me. - The new god growled.

- It won't be just my fingers and tongue inside you. - He pulling him pushing towards the control with violence.

- Have you ever given it to any other man...? - He growled.

– Did someone besides me touch your hole? - He growled with his bright eyes s .

Bruce gasped, shivered, tried to break free, but the ones in his arms were an iron grip , a hand on his cock, his hands inside his pants.

- No one. – Bruce gasped.

Seconds before if the new god was going to hurt him hit him or anything, he smiled, took her lips in a kiss and seconds before between a shove, Bruce found himself on the other side of the control room .

Bruce was stunned and in the middle of a hole dividing the wall in half and being protected by Superman that came in front of him separating them and starting a fight towards the air .

Then, with Darkseid , destroyed half of that place, without paying attention to Batman, the man taking advantage of this situation and transferring .

In the meantime .

Happening and m through fighting and crashes, some files, towards your pen drive , some bangs falling around then Bruce and stava using their cords, and taking with him toward his belt .

By now, Batman was leaving happy that his plans had progressed and worked, sometimes drugs and pheromones like Poison Ivy's would come in handy, but it was his own makeup.

It took a few weeks, it felt like a wave of Apokolips attacks , it was what appeared to be monthly periodic and commonplace.

Again, Batman entered another Apokolips control center .

At that time, Bruce taking advantage of the distraction of fighting gods, he transferred some files, which he was looking for, there was a fight later, but he needed to threaten the new god, somehow he needed to finish the transfer to the chip and the keep it in your belt.

All that happened next was what he saw Kal when, sometime ago, when it was his first foray into it.

That's when he initially helped to rescue the Kryptonian , some time ago, he was nearly killed by Darkseid at the base of the beating pushing towards the wall with his hands on her neck.

All this for his own satisfaction, just to show power, even if he wanted to sweep the floor with it.

Then he was thrown on the wall and made out of a painting and before that while there was a possibility that Darkseid would squish his face and Bruce in turn would become a work of modern art, now .

Darkseid bent over him, hugging Batman from behind, and thrusting his fingers inside him, fucking him, with his face being pushed towards the wall, amidst his screams and gasps.

By that time, the new god was finger fucking, his pants bunched up on the floor, between his ass being reared, his hole being abused.

Beating between his screams, between his thrusts, Batman was fucked with fingers, and being fucked bit by bit with a cock hitting his slit, he thought, how much and how, they would be interrupted again.

Well, at best, although he should have thought quickly of a solution, and put the theory into practice , but now, he was fucked, pushing and pulling, close to losing his virginity completely.

He impulsively took the lips of Darkseid , tried to move away to then, in the midst of the new god hang him, without success, that he thought, stopped hanging him, to return the kiss and command the movement of his body.

That was n't the first time, if it was really a problem, it didn't seem like Darksied would care , it was in the middle two months later between his marriage to Selina and his escapades towards the rescue of an ally in Apokolips .

At first, the new god didn't respond, until he kissed him back and dominated him, taking control, Bruce thought he'd go for it, pulling and pushing his body, Darksied grabbed him, he kissed him licking his lips, growling and kissing him.

Rubbing their bodies, my god, Darkseid kissed him, he caressing him, sucking him, Bruce with his hands with just one try or maybe a foray, experiencing his first time, his gloved hand on Darkseid's covered cock .

Snagging, kissing, licking, listening to the growls.

Bruce gasped, the new god, was lowering his trousers thronging on his heels, the new god , with the s jerks, toward his lap, between her kisses .

Thinking at the time, that there were Poison Ivy pheromones at his disposal was enough to do it with fire, for a while , but apparently Bruce realized he didn't need it, he was hot by nature .

What he saw was frightening, he gasped, it was huge, Darkseid , he jerked off in his hands, he unzipped his pants, there was no room for escape, he didn't expect it .

The MBOs had their pants pulled, Bruce gasped again, and was startled, he saw that Darks i d was huge, the new god, took him on his lap revealing all his strength .

By that time, he was getting caught, twining his legs around his waist, rubbing their cocks together, Darks and i d caught Batman.

The new god caught him like an iron bar, lifting him by the thighs, towards his face.

He was...? - It was true, he was going to suck it.

'Wait...' Bruce gasped. "I..." He tried.

- Still. - Darkseid growled slapping his ass.

'I've never...' But his words were interrupted by a shrill scream.

That's what Darkseid did, he raped him with his tongue, sucking his hole, Bruce gasped, trying to break free.

It was at that time, when he gasped and moaned, screaming amidst her tongue thrusts inside him, it would be his first anal stimulation.

Darkseid was tongue-fucking him inside his hole, stretching and penetrating, against all odds, in less than ten minutes of stimulation.

- Please. – Bruce shouted shrilly.

- That's right, beg. - Darkseid growled .

With this stimulus Bruce enjoyed, between screams, that soft tongue passing through each ring of muscle, hitting a spot that gave shock inside him.

The bat man was shrieking at one point between the thrusts, and his cries, begging to stop, in less than ten minutes, Batman came.

The smaller man, barely recovered, the new god pulled him away from his face, and pushed him toward the wall.

Then the new god swallowing his cock, a good ten minutes of sucking, between swallowing and vibrating, forcing him to come in less than ten minutes, his mouth pulling him in as he scooped him up again in his lap.

Again taking your legs, and with your legs being forced around your waist .

When his, Bruce was pushed into his lap, then rubbing their dicks together, pass between his arms around the neck of Darkseid where .

The new god was taking her lips, rubbing their dicks together, as Darksied pushed her shirt up and sucked her nipples, hard in between as they rubbed their dicks together.

Before he thought he was going to get fucked, Darkseid stopped, he gasped, feeling cum drip from his cock wetting his groin as the new god pulled him up taking his lips.

- Let's see how much you like it that way. - Said Darksied .

- What...? – Bruce said.

The new god was passing semen wrapped around his fingers, and shoving it into his hole, which was wet with his saliva, into him, Bruce screamed, choking.

Darkseid was scissoring Bruce thrusting and thrusting forcing Bruce on his back legs apart and pumping his cock with the same force and speed as the thrusts in and out of him.

He was tight, apparently, he would be the first to do this to him, if Batman didn't give it to any villains then he would be his.

"God..." Bruce yelled, he was thrusting him toward the ground, between thrusts, opening his legs, and taking his lips in the midst of his screams, fucking him with his fingers.

Every scream and every thrust were together, frantic pounding in and out of him.

Bruce thought he would be fucked later with Darksied's cock , he wanted to at least take him into his territory, if he didn't squirm, he 'd be fucked on the floor without any further complaints but amidst his screams.

His cock squirting, Darksied stopped and pulled his fingers out of him, slapping his ass, giving him several in a row.

Without any other words, Bruce was pushing and pulling violently, towards his pants being dressed.

- Come on, pull yourself together. - Darkseid growled .

Bruce got dressed and tried to get up on unsteady legs, he received a hard slap on the face that made him roll over and fall with bleeding lips .

The next minute, when Bruce turned around, before saying any words, Superman came crashing through the window, throwing Kara toward Darksied .

Bruce looked destroyed, but not in the way Superman thought, Bruce at that point, stood up and realized that somehow Darkseid realized that Kal was approaching, but he didn't want to get caught fucking his enemy.

They left without each of them knew that Bruce invaded some files Darkseid amid its infiltration, before coming to the new god throne room, if Darksied knew, he said nothing .

Bruce downloaded the data to the batcavern computer, he was happy to hear that the new god was receptive, and accepted his experience.